Son-Aero Receives its First AS9100D Certification Under New Administration
The journey continues. Sonfarrel Aerospace (Son-Aero) has received its first AS9100D certification under our new administration and company name. Building on the history of Sonfarrel Inc., Son-Aero has taken the next step toward future leadership in our industry. Our registrar, SAI Global has been instrumental in our growth and will continue to assist Son-Aero as we demonstrate our expanded capabilities, excellent quality standards, and ethical business practices. We will use the 2019 audit results to continually improve all facets of our business.
I’d like to thank SAI Global for their continued support, as well as the entire Sonfarrel Aerospace family for their hard work and dedication. Without these incredible people, we could not reach the goal we’ve set forth to become a leader in the aerospace industry, leading with respect, integrity, and excellence.