President’s Message: Forward and Upward
At first glance, the closing of 2020 could not have come soon enough. The conditions placed on our society had a dramatic effect on the aerospace industry as well. Many of our customers had major reductions in production and workforce. There were dramatic drops in revenue for businesses in a variety of sectors. As a company, Son-Aero started to feel the economic effects over the Summer of 2020. We decided that we would have to make some changes to weather the storm.
You can tell a lot about a person and a company in how they deal with difficulties, and I started to see what Son-Aero was really made of. Employees came together and started to help wherever they were needed. Our teams started to evaluate policies and procedures to see how we could improve. An increased effort was made to serve our customers with excellence and make inroads to new platforms and companies. I saw many go above and beyond the call of duty.
Taking a second glance at the year 2020, I saw the character in each employee that will propel us Forward and Upward. We will keep moving Forward through the current downturn and Upward in creating new capabilities and serving new platforms.
Our focus for 2021 will be just that – Forward and Upward, Together. I am excited about this new year and cannot wait to see what we can accomplish together.
Forward and Upward,
Jeff Greer

Jeff Greer
Chief Executive Officer